Yearly is an online platform where students can connect and create lasting memories from anywhere, at anytime.
Yearly is FREE for schools to set up and FREE* for students to join. Each student must register with their grade level. Students cannot share accounts.
*Yearly is committed to internet safety and compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) regarding online account creation for children. To verify that an adult is giving a child permission to create a new Yearly yearbook account, COPPA requires that a small amount be charged to the adult’s credit card. We charge a small fee for this verification. These charges are non-refundable.
No, you get to enjoy lifetime access to your school memories.
Yes and No! For students, each year your school will create a new Yearly yearbook to capture your memories for the new school year.
For Alumni groups, a one time subscription fee allows you to reconnect with old friends.
You bet! We built Yearly with students in mind. Your school is verified by our team and access codes sent to school administrators to be distributed to teachers and students. Yearly was designed for students to share and store their treasured school memories in a closed environment stored safely in the cloud.
The school administrator or official representative will create the school account and distribute the access code to teachers and students.
Students, teachers and administrators can add photos and text to their profile pages.
Easy! Once your school signs up, you will be sent a school specific access code. Use that unique code to register on Yearly.
Yes. Yearly acts earnestly to keep the site untarnished and unfailingly upbeat. Our dedicated support team will respond quickly to reported or flagged content.
Yearly can be accessed through Windows, Apple, and Chromebook computers and tablets. Android and iOS apps are in development.
No. Yearly is associated with your email address.
©Yearly, LLC 2022