Selling yearbook ads is a great way to fundraise for your school. Yearly has made that process as painless as possible. Students can sell sponsorships for content on the Yearly Bulletin Board or as a banner ad on the Sponsors page.

There is no need to choose one type of ad. You can tailor the ad sales to best fit your school and your community.
Dedication Ads can be purchased by parents to recognize their child. These are often purchased by parents of seniors as a way to celebrate their upcoming graduation and reflect on their achievements. These ads can be added as a sponsored post on the school’s Yearly Bulletin Board.
Sponsored Content Ads can be purchased by businesses and be added to any event, album or content on the school’s Yearly Bulletin Board.
Business Ads can be purchased by local businesses and organizations to highlight their business or services. These banner or logo ads can be added to the Sponsor page in the school’s Yearly yearbook.